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 Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP) Full CSO

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 433
تاريخ التسجيل : 08/04/2009

Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP) Full CSO Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP) Full CSO   Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP) Full CSO Icon_minitimeالأحد يوليو 19, 2009 10:59 pm


Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP) Full CSO

Tekken tournament the Iron Fist comes back! Now owners PSP had an opportunity to test in the most severe fights of championship Tekken. Mobile version Tekken: Dark Resurrection has incorporated all best of the previous games of a series and has introduced a lot of new. However the main rule remains former: the winner becomes only one. Who exactly — depends on you. On arena the best masters of fighting arts from all light will gathe

You should meet set of already familiar fighters: Хейхачи, Ло, the Floor, Gin and other « old guards ». However бойцовский club from veterans in Tekken: Dark Resurrection has replenished with two more characters: Poured and Драгуновым. Pass through all circles of a hand-to-hand hell and win the right to refer to as the best! PSP works wonders. The famous game about masterly fights could not do without modern technologies. That occurs on the screen, amazes imagination. For you waits completely three-dimensional
Tournaments for all occasions. Tekken: Dark Resurrection offers on a choice some modes of game, among which subject adventures (for success in them to you give out various bonuses), single duels, mass fights and exotic championship Доджо. Before to rush to abyss of fight, it is better to be trained, in fact contenders do not forgive mistakes. Not fight uniform. In Tekken: Dark Resurrection it is possible not only it is valiant мутузить contenders, but also to have a good time in breaks between severe duels.
Champions relax variegated mini-games, for example, bowling. In Tekken: Dark Resurrection there are no identical fighters. You can personalize the hero, having changed its appearance. In comparison with Tekken 5 wardrobe has grown twice! PSP against PSP. Using wireless opportunities of the console, you can measure swords with the comrade.

التحميل :

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او من احد الروابط التاليه:
الملف بصيغة 7z
بعد فك الضغط عنه الناتج ملف بصيغة CSO


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Tekken: Dark Resurrection (PSP) Full CSO
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